Been Swept started when Matt the Sweep worked at a pub and the pub suffered an awful chimney fire. The fire caused the pub to be closed for a substantial time. During this time Matt thought about the importance of chimney safety as he saw the impact that the fire had on not only the business, but the people that were involved with it. From there Been Swept was born!
Since its humble beginnings in 2013, in which Been Swept was based solely in South Shropshire, the business has gone from strength to strength and now covers the whole of Shropshire, as well as some of the surrounding areas.
In 2017, Been Swept decided to branch out into Lucky Sweep Services for weddings and civil ceremonies, as we realised there was a massive gap in the area, and those that did cover the area were either not local, were not qualified/genuine chimney sweeps or charged extortionate prices. Our lucky sweep aims to make this beautiful tradition affordable for all.
we are only a phone call away